Dr. Charles Speaks is an inspirational podcast with teachings and nuggets from Dr. Charles Redd, a nationally recognized Fortune 500 Business Leader, Speaker, and Ministry Founder. He shares his profound, yet practical approaches to developing successful leaders and owning successful careers. Get motivated with Dr. Charles Speaks - Inspiring Excellence and Generating Results.
Do You Have 15 Minutes? Make them count with Dr. Charles
Speaks from the Reddline. Today's topic is The Law of
Significance. Listen for more now and don't forget to
tell a Friend. Enjoy the Podcast!
Dr. Charles Speaks is an inspirational podcast with teachings and nuggets from Dr. Charles Redd, a nationally recognized Fortune 500 business leader, speaker, and ministry founder. He shares his profound, yet practical approaches to developing successful leaders and a successful career . Get motivated with Dr. Charles Speaks - Inspiring Excellence and Generating Results.